Did you leave the fruit in the bathroom? Le Bath Fruit MartiniSPA


Did you leave the fruit in the bathroom? Le Bath Fruit MartiniSPA

Did you leave the fruit in the bathroom? Le Bath Fruit MartiniSPA 1200 900 Martini Spa

Bath Fruit, happiness in fruit format

Today, everyone knows: fruit is good for you. Its nutritional intake is essential for vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. Not to mention its contribution in combating and preventing various diseases, even cardiovascular diseases. But there is more.

Because – medical-chemical explanation aside – fruit is also good in the bathroom. In fact, right in the bathtub. Just enjoy the irresistible charm and bright colours of the Bath Fruit sponges, one of MartiniSPA’s happiest collections.

And what fruit are you?

Bath Fruit sponges are three-dimensional, so be careful not to get confused and make a fruit salad out of them – we know some people use them to fill centrepiece baskets in the kitchen. And they are so cute and funny that they make a fun gift.

You can choose as many as 5 variations: from the iconic red apple to the watermelon with a small bite, from the yellow banana to the pear to the vibrant orange. There is no bath or shower that can resist their decisive character.

Why choose a Bath Fruit

Each sponge in the Bath Fruit collection is dermatologically tested, Made in Italy and latex-free. To produce them, MartiniSPA did not perform any tests on animals and only used renewable energy, while preserving the seabed.