
Spugna a rete 100% riciclata: viva l’igiene circolare!

100% recycled net sponge: long live circular hygiene!

100% recycled net sponge: long live circular hygiene! 1200 900 Martini Spa

Hygiene: the culture of recycling is growing [adnkronos research]

According to The Green Response Survey 2021 conducted by Essity, 66% of Italians have adopted a more sustainable lifestyle since the beginning of the pandemic. Consumer awareness regarding green issues is increasing, even for the purchase of hygiene products: 20% are looking for information on their environmental impact, while 17% buy only products that can be recycled easily. However, the most striking figures relate to the willingness to spend: 36% of respondents are willing to spend more on recycled or composted products after use, 31% demand renewable or naturally sourced materials and 29% require recycled or renewable packaging.

Trust in brands [Altroconsumo survey]

In short, consumer demands seem to have taken a distinctly more sustainable course. In this respect, trust in a brand commitment does not always reach the highest peaks. A recent survey by Altroconsumo states that 65% of consumers claim to be able to distinguish between greenwashing claims and actual green stances by brands. 45% of respondents even believe that the green nature of some products is used as a justification to raise prices. This is why brand reputation is a crucial factor. Furthermore, thanks to its long-standing history of innovation and the certifications it has earned over the years, MartiniSPA is an established trend-setter in the sustainable hygiene industry.

What’s new at MartiniSPA

Proof of this is the constant renewal of our offering, whose latest example is the 100% recycled and recyclable net sponges. The new must-have products by MartiniSPA are made from sustainable materials to make every beauty routine even more environmentally friendly. Their exfoliating properties are perfect for those looking for a relaxing bath enriched by soft foam. Available in 4 vibrant colours, at the end of their use, the sponges can be disposed of in the plastic recycling bin, contributing to the circular life cycle of the material.

The well-being of Massage Color

In addition to the 100% recycled net sponges, the Massage Color range of products also includes the new shower caps. Also available in different colours, they are the best way to protect the hair when showering or bathing. Massage Color, therefore, remains MartiniSPA’s most comprehensive and iconic collection. Sponges, exfoliating and massage gloves, brushes and much more: the Massage Color line truly knows how to surprise and satisfy every need, thanks to unique and safe formulas.

MartiniSPA in the spotlight at Cosmoprof Worldwide 2022

MartiniSPA in the spotlight at Cosmoprof Worldwide 2022 1200 900 Martini Spa

New products, new opportunities

From 28 April to 2 May 2022, Bologna will be hosting the latest edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide, which, in addition to being the world’s leading trade show for the professional cosmetics and beauty industry for more than 50 years, is also a benchmark event for more than 2,700 well-known brands in the cosmetics industry representing 69 countries across the globe. Now that the pandemic is easing, the city of Bologna will once again be playing host to the event, which will bring the beauty industry together in the complex owned by Bologna-Fiere, the event organiser. A longstanding symbol of innovation and excellence, Cosmoprof Worldwide is the ideal platform to globally launch new products that are capable of staying ahead of future trends.

Creativity and sustainability go hand in hand

For this reason, it is in this prestigious context that, as part of Cosmo Perfumery & Cosmetics – the trade show dedicated to perfumery and body care products for the retail, prestige and masstige channels – MartiniSPA has decided to present a groundbreaking, 100% compostable product. In fact, MartiniSPA considers creativity to be a key factor in that it allows practicality, beauty, functionality, aesthetics and convenience to be combined at any stage of the production process. However, it also necessarily entails respecting our ecosystem, triggering a virtuous industrial process that has never been more essential than it is today.

MartiniSPA is always at the cutting edge

For several years now, MartiniSPA, which has been operating nationwide for over half a century and is a leader in the field of body care accessories, especially sponges, has been strongly committed to promoting a sustainable lifestyle. In fact, since 2012, MartiniSPA has been using clean energy generated by the solar panels at its production facilities. It has also recently planted many trees and a wooded area is slowly growing all around the premises: a precise and concrete commitment, or rather a breath of fresh air, with the aim of ensuring cleaner air and helping the environment. The aim is always to find the perfect balance between technology and naturalness, between an experimental mindset and taking care of the environment.

100% compostable, 100% Made in Italy

The new product that MartiniSPA will be launching at Cosmoprof Worldwide is yet another demonstration of the fact that it feels a great sense of responsibility. It is a 100% compostable net sponge, which will become part of the Massage Natural line, thus making this relaxing daily ritual even more environmentally friendly. With its gentle exfoliating action, it is ideal for a relaxing and very bubbly bath. What is more, after using the sponge, it can be thrown into the compostable bin and, in this way, it will contribute to the circular life cycle of this material.