

Dry skin after winter: how to help it

Dry skin after winter: how to help it 1920 700 Martini Spa

The long-awaited spring has finally arrived!
As the temperatures rise, we need to start lightening our skin, not only by the heavy sweaters, but also by the cosmetics that have protected us from the cold in winter.
Here’s an easy spring beauty routine !

1. Exfoliates
After the cold of winter, the skin appears dry and thickened: it must be renewed by performing the right exfoliation ritual. Once or twice a week, replace the normal bath and face cleansing sponge with an exfoliating sponge or a Martini scrub sponge.

2. Deep cleanse

Choose specific cleansers for facial skin such as micellar water which, with its innovative formula, attracts all impurities leaving the skin completely purified. The goal is to make our skin breathe and oxygenate.

3. Hydrate your skin

Do not abandon the good habit of putting a cream in the evening, before going to sleep: in this moodo you guarantee the skin all the principles it needs to renew itself.
With increasing temperatures, the pores of the skin open, giving the skin that annoying shiny and sweaty effect: choose a cream with a light texture and which is easily absorbed.

4. Take care of your hands and feet

After months covered under closed gloves and shoes, our hands and feet also emerge from hibernation.
How to cuddle them?
1. Exfoliation : use exfoliating sponges and pumice stones maybe after immersing for a few minutes in warm water and Marseille soap.
2. Hydration : in the morning and in the evening, apply a body cream or even a foot cream generously in order to nourish the skin, making it soft and well-groomed.

Good spring!