pelle in autunno - 5 idee - martini-spa

5 ideas for skin care in autumn

5 ideas for skin care in autumn 1200 900 Martini Spa

The challenges of autumn

Sun creams, tanning, melatonin to stimulate. With the arrival of autumn, all this leaves room for new needs for your skin care. For example, cold-induced vasoconstriction results in less abundant blood circulation, with a drop in the supply of nutrients to the skin. Not considering the frequent risk of dry skin, related to the reduction in the activity of the sebaceous glands.
And do you have the right tools to win the challenge against dryness, itching and micro-lesions of the skin while waiting for next spring? Find out with MartiniSPA ideas.

1 – Keyword: scrub

Every skin’s primary need in autumn is proper exfoliation. Choose the best scrub to remove dead skin cells, preparing you as best as possible for any treatment. Considering sunspots, the greatest issue following summer: only an ideal scrub can minimise them.

2 – Don’t underestimate hydration

Do you want radiant skin even in the last months of the year? Hydrate it by drinking about 2 litres of water a day. Other valid alternatives to supplement the moisturising supply are infusions, teas or ad hoc herbal teas. Alcohol and caffeine are strictly not recommended – they only have dehydrating effects.

3 – Shower vs bath

Experts recommend a shower over a bath. Thanks to less time in contact with water, the skin is not excessively degreased with a shower. But pay attention to the temperature: prolonged exposure to hot water eliminates the protective film on the skin. Better opt for medium-short, warm temperature showers.

4 – External factors

If the greatest risks in summer for your skin are due to uncontrolled exposure to sunlight, in autumn you have new antagonists: cold, wind, rain and dry air in heated rooms. A perfect beauty routine must therefore entail creams and protection products, as well as a healthy and energising diet for your skin.

5 – It remains green even in autumn

Once again, the most effective solution for every need is inspired by nature. To give you sublime skin even in autumn, MartiniSPA has in fact created the exclusive Massage Natural line. Enjoy an unmissable SPA in your home, with plant-based materials, such as a loofah and cotton. Every product in the collection is latex-free, dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic. What are you waiting for? Change your autumn right away!